Psychologists and Counsellors

who believe that compassionate and confidential counselling will help people to solve problems in their everyday lives.

In the Spotlight

Level Up Your Mental Health with Gaming

More than ever, gaming is part of our life context, especially for youth - though you may be surprised to learn that the average gamer is 34 years old and has children. It is a powerful media capable of telling intricate, artistic, interactive stories; a ...

Managing Meltdowns: How Co-Regulation Leads to Self-Regulation

Most caregivers can agree that dealing with their child's meltdowns can be exhausting, draining, and challenging. Often these meltdowns happen when we are trying to get everyone out the door and on time for school, when we are making dinner, or at bedtime. We try ...

7 Tips to Help You Process Tough Emotions

What exactly does it mean to "process your feelings?". It is certainly very common advice, and generally we tend to believe this to be true - identifying our emotions and expressing them in healthy ways is an important part of healthy human emotional development. But ...

Boomer Upgrade

Baby Boomers (born between 1946-1965) are entering into their "winter years" and in the process are facing a variety of stressors which they may not know how to manage. Mis-managed stress (distress) can contribute to a variety of mental and physical health challenges. When Boomers ...


The High Cost of Disconnection

An attractive 16 year old girl was describing how hard it was for her to go to school ...

Smartphone Addiction

The headline in the Globe and Mail read, "Your smartphone is making you stupid, antisocial and unhealthy. So ...

Orthorexia Nervosa: When Healing Becomes Unhealthy

Sally scrolls through her social media and an article catches her eye. She clicks on the link and ...

My Teen is Cutting: What can I do?

Liz and Dan recently received a call from the school counsellor informing them their 14 year old daughter, ...

Family & Parenting

Managing Holiday Celebrations with Children after a Loss

After the death of a person or pet dear to your child, the holidays, especially the first ones, ...

Parenting Gen Z

The current teen and young adult population are Generation Z. They have grown up in the era of ...

Married After Children – Surviving The Empty Nest

Married for 32 years, and now empty nesters, Mike and Anna found themselves struggling to connect with each ...

Managing Meldowns: How Co-Regulation leads to Self-Regulation

Most caregivers can agree that dealing with their child’s meltdowns can be exhausting, draining, and challenging. Often, these ...


Managing Holiday Celebrations with Children after a Loss

After the death of a person or pet dear to your child, the holidays, especially the first ones, ...

No Bones About It: Dogs are good for our health, even in the therapy room!

"Please bring him back if you can, he makes such a positive difference." a client says to me ...


David betrayed his life partner and he was not prepared for his partner’s emotional distress. He wanted to ...

Healing Through Poetry

September 10th 2019 is a day Rick will never forget.  He was sitting at an intersection on his ...

Marriage Moments

Watch the video series from a Pre-Marriage seminar given by psychologist Denis Boyd, M.A.
